This database contains 12,600,000+ (12.6 Million) records (listings) of the American National Business Directory USA located all over the United States in .CSV, .MDB, .TXT format categorized by state names.
Database includes: Name, Address, County, State, Phone, Zip, Phone, Fax, Business Owner Name, Gender, Designation, Exact Number Of Employees, Average Number Of Employees, Exact Sales Volume, Average Sales Volume, Sic Code, Business Category, Business Rating, Purchasing Power.
Below is a data representation of the National Business Directory USA Database Directory to give you a clearer overview of what you are purchasing.
TOTAL RECORDS: 12.6 Million
AK, 39,031
AL, 171,409
AR, 114,347
AZ, 140,861
CA, 2,078,352
CO, 211,839
CT, 81,703
DC, 45,586
DE, 32,904
FL, 742,961
GA, 354,135
HI, 56,489
IA, 124,820
ID, 62,772
IL, 512,108
IN, 221,853
KS, 124,495
KY, 151,850
LA, 173,442
MA, 390,309
MD, 199,939
ME, 58,831
MI, 371,951
MN, 206,517
MO, 234,131
MS, 102,048
MT, 22,793
NC, 318,550
ND, 33,107
NE, 77,019
NH, 63,359
NJ, 415,926
NM, 81,582
NV, 101,813
NY, 763,963
OH, 423,012
OK, 155,965
OR, 167,493
PA, 484,509
RI, 36,043
SC, 167,441
SD, 37,239
TN, 217,252
TX, 1,098,392
UT, 85,457
VA, 277,419
VT, 33,281
WA, 248,774
WI, 234,520
WV, 64,161
WY, 30,992