The full Canadian Business and Companies database contains 1,880,000+ Company / Small Business records (listings) of businesses located all over the Canada categorized by province names.
Database includes: Major Category Description, SIC Code Descriptions, SIC Code, Sic Category Description, Company Name, Address, City, Province, Zip Code, Contact Name, Gender, Title, Number of Employees, Estimated Revenue, Phone Number, Fax Number, Website URL, Email Address
Below is a data representation of the Canadian Business Database and Directory to give you a clearer overview of what you are purchasing.
Province | Business Records |
Alberta | 208366 |
British Columbia | 285123 |
Manitoba | 63380 |
New Brunswick | 37611 |
Newfoundland & Labrador | 25157 |
Nova Scotia | 47293 |
Northwest Territories | 3573 |
Nunavut | 1750 |
Ontario | 715954 |
Prince Edward Island | 8617 |
Quebec | 420144 |
Saskatchewan | 63689 |
Yukon Territory | 3301 |
Grand Total |
1,883,970 |
As of December 2019, the Canadian economy totaled 1.23 million employer businesses. Of these, 1.2 million (97.9 percent) were small businesses, 22,905 (1.9 percent) were medium-sized businesses and 2,978 (0.2 percent) were large businesses. Canada’s largest industries are real estate, mining, and manufacturing, and it is home to some of the largest mining companies in the world. A large portion of its GDP comes from international trade, with its largest trading partners being the U.S., China, and the U.K.
The economy of Canada is one of the strongest and most diverse in the world. It is a high-tech, industrialized country with a strong service sector, and it is also a major exporter of natural resources such as timber, oil, and minerals. Some of the key industries in Canada’s economy include manufacturing, finance and insurance, and wholesale and retail trade. The country is also home to a large agricultural sector, with a wide range of crops and livestock being produced. Canada’s economy is closely linked to that of the United States, as the two countries have a strong trade relationship and share a long border. In addition, Canada has a well-developed transportation infrastructure and a highly skilled workforce, which contribute to its economic success.